My Basic Belief

Heavenly Chapel Ministry

I’m an inquisitive person when it comes to most things. One thing that I ponder on an almost daily basis, is life itself.

It’s difficult for me to imagine death. I don’t want to die, but I’m not afraid of death either. Our brain can help us to solve most issues when it comes to inquisitiveness, but it cannot help us to get the answer to what happens to us when we die. It can’t give MOST of us the answer, because we have never experienced it. It drives me nuts sometimes because I want to know the answer, but I don’t want to have to die to learn what my mind needs to know.

So, at the end of the day, I have to rely on FAITH. My Faith is in Jesus and the LORD GOD, but my Faith IS NOT in the teachings of the typical churches we see today. God forgive me, but those clowns on television, and I don’t care how hard they work to make everything look legitimate, are all there to collect the offerings and put most of the money to their own use, sadly.

It’s a shame that they use the Word of GOD in such a manner. The money that they collect weekly could be put toward helping so many people such as the homeless and the hungry – senior citizens who are struggling to survive on meager pensions or worse still, Social Security.

They manipulate the Word of the Bible for their own use, making people believe that only those who are devout Christians are going to rise up to Heaven, and the rest are going to suffer the fire and brimstone of Hell. I’m here today to call their bluff. Yes, there is indeed a Heaven, but there is no Hell. At least, not in the manner that the Baptists and in fact, all other traditional religions teach.

Let me give you a quick rundown on how I believe things go. You will hear a lot from me on this subject, and it will always appear in the “From the Pastor” category.

Heavenly Chapel

My basic belief, as in traditional Christianity, is that our soul starts in Heaven. I believe that this soul chooses an assignment, or rather, chooses an issue that the soul wants to learn about. The soul then chooses a couple whom it wishes to be the parents. Upon the birth of a child, the soul swoops down and takes over the body. There is a series of guides that come along to help guide the soul through life, one way or another influencing decisions, and to aid when things get really bad, as long as it does not interfere with the soul’s mission.

Anyway, Let me shorten it to an itemized list of how it works, and as I said, keep in mind that this is all based on FAITH.

  • Your soul is in Heaven.
  • You choose a lesson that you want to learn. That’s what our time on Earth is all about – LEARNING.
  • You choose the couple who you want to be your parents.
  • When the baby is born, your soul enters the baby. You have guardian angels and guides who help you with your life and try to guide you into making the right decision
  • You live your life.
  • When you die, your soul returns to Heaven for debriefing, more or less, and you reflect on what the soul has learned when on Earth.
  • The process begins all over again.

Now, I will be teaching more about what I believe in future posts, and I will go into it in more detail, but for the time being, just know that GOD is real, and JESUS is real. There is indeed a Heaven, which more or less serves as the home base for the soul. There are guardian angels, and prayer does indeed work. The results of those prayers may or may not be what you wanted, or expected, but the outcome is what is supposed to be.

We ARE CHRISTIANS. On this site and in our ministry, we teach what is supposed to be and not what those who use the Bible for their own purposes are trying to teach you.