GOD Loves us All

Heavenly ChapHeavenly Chapel Ministryel Ministry

GOD loves everyone. It might not seem that way at time, but He does. Sinners, drug addicts, alcoholics and yes, even murderers. He may not like the things that we do, but he loves us nonetheless. He does not dislike us because this has happened, or that has happened, or because they are gay, or they have committed a crime, but that is simply not true. We are all sinners and we all commit sins in different ways. The important thing, is that we not stray away, and we stay focused on the love of GOD. Man’s law is not GOD’s law. He will forgive you of your sins, but you have to keep GOD in your life. You have to pray to the LORD. You have to thank him for the blessings in your life. You have to ask forgiveness for your sins.

Life is hard, and no one ever said it would be easy, and get this – GOD’s plan for your life, is actually YOU’RE plan for your life too. While your soul is still heaven, before you are born into your mortal life, you work with your guardian angels and your angel guide, to determine what your purpose will be on Earth. Life is lessons to be learned to grow your soul. You choose who your parents are going to be and when your mother gives birth, your soul enters your body, and you begin living your life according to what you had decided before being sent to Earth to fulfill your mission and gain your education.

At the same time, the decisions you make are yours to make and yours alone. That’s free will. Our guardian angels and angel guide will attempt to help you in making the right decision in subtle ways, but at the end of the day, you make your own decisions. For instance, they will attempt to help you to make decisions based on morality, or what is right and wrong. You may not not even realize that they are trying to help you to make your decisions, but they do. They attempt to keep us safe on Earth too. For instance, say you are booked on a flight to go somewhere – anywhere. You develop a stomach ache, or some other illness or reason you decide you are not going to take the trip, and then the plane crashes – this is your guardian angels telling you not to go. Some people may even have what’s called a premonition and this premonition tells you to stay off that plane. This is one of the more profound abilities within your soul helping you to achieve your mission on Earth while in your mortal body.

This happens because GOD LOVES US. Now, let’s talk about the gay community. The bible simply states that it is an abomination. It DOES NOT state that GOD will cast you into hell, of which there is no hell as the preachers describe it – they use this to keep people in line and to make it easier for them to keep their so-called “flock” in check for lack of a better description at the time of this sermon being written, but the story of THAT hell, is a whole different story altogether, and one which we will get to eventually on this website. Just know this – people who are gay, do not choose any particular lifestyle, and they ARE NOT to be cast out of the church as many mainstream ministers do because they don’t like the lifestyle.

The fact of the matter is, you simply cannot help who you love. GOD is the one that puts that into us, and he expects gay people to do the best that they can on Earth to be happy, JUST LIKE ANY OTHER PERSON. He did not put this into gay people to make their lives any harder either, though most of the rest of society does everything they can to haze people, and to make their lives harder than they already are as we struggle through life. No; how we deal with the LGBTQ+ is a test to those who would haze that community, and GOD wants to see how these so-called righteous people react toward the LGBTQ+ community, and frankly my fellow Christians, many have failed, so before you start hazing these people, if you are within that group of people, know that those who think like that have failed miserably.

In John 13:34, GOD says: “A new command I give you: Love on another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” He does not say, love one another, except for the gay people, or love one another except for the Muslim people. He says: “You must love one another”. So if the main stream churches are spreading the REAL WORD OF GOD, then they should not be condemning anyone because of their race, creed OR SEXUAL ORIENTATION. So, when you decide you want to spread HATRED, much like Donald Trump does, you had better stop and think for a moment – What Would Jesus Do? I can 100% guarantee you that he would not want you turning away ANYONE from church, or belittling them about their beliefs, including their sexual orientation. GOD LOVES US ALL.