Church News: WELCOME!

Heavenly Chapel Ministry

Welcome to Heavenly Chapel Online Church and Ministry!

As far as I know, we are the only Christian church that teaches reincarnation in its core belief in Jesus Christ. The mainstream churches deny reincarnation, including the Catholic Church, because it does not fit their teaching, and removes Hell from their doctrine, leaving them with virtually no way of controlling their congregations with the fear of going to the fiery pits of Hell if they did not abide by GOD.

They teach the fear of GOD and all that other nonsense, and they convince you that you have to give 1/10th of your total income to the church. Look at some of these ministries on television, embedding the fear of GOD into your mind or you are going to go to Hell, and that you MUST give a tenth of your income because this is what GOD wants you to do. I just wonder how much of that money goes back to the people by way of charitable assistance and how much goes to administrative costs.

That’s not a discussion for this particular topic however, but I will say that churches, whatever their doctrine, would not exist without the support of their congregation, and we are just like any other church and will require the help of your donations to exist.

We hope one day to be able to plant a brick-and-mortar church, beginning with our current home base in Hemet, California, but that will depend on our growth and the ability of our members to donate as much as they can afford to help us grow.

Our growth will be based on a variety of funds, beginning with our initial fund which is intended to provide food, blankets, and coats to the homeless population. So, donations will be broken down into two parts meaning that your donations will go into the general operating fund for the church UNLESS you specifically state that your donation is intended for the food, blanket, and coat fund. We will also accept food, blanket, and coat donations as well, We are a registered Charitable Organization in California and our 501(c)3 is currently pending payment of $275.00 to the Internal Revenue Service, which we have 9 months to complete for all donations to be tax deductible.

Founder Reverand John Derossett has started this online church and ministry on the virtual shoestring with faith in GOD that funds will come through in time to complete the rest of the process. Presently, the website sits on a shared server until the general fund begins to fill and he can move the site to its private webserver.

The call from GOD to start this ministry was so strong however, that he had to get the organization started quickly and to the best of his ability because the mainstream churches are teaching everything WRONG, and altering the Holy Bible to suit their own needs, instead of keeping it intact and teaching the ENTIRE BOOK. It is of course much more complex than my simple summarization but yes Ladies and Gentleman, the mainstream churches have removed references to reincarnation from the Bible during the 5th century simply because half of the people decided that it was not so, and so 14 sections were removed from the bible.

All of that is too much to talk about in a single article though, so bookmark the site, donate to us to help us continue to build and keep it going, watch the sermons, and learn what Heavenly Chapel Online Church and Ministry is all about!